Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Happy New Year.

Jumper - Primark
Skirt - H&M (old sale purchase)
Belt - charity shop
Shoes - Next (old sale purchase)

I adore this skirt! Ah, it's so mermaid-y with it's sequin scales and it's even a little hard to walk in! No running in this number - small ladylike steps only. The waist is too big (problems of sale items you really want when there are none in your size), hence the belt. Look completed with black mock turtleneck and tights; for style and to beat the icy winter chill. I went to a party of some family friend's to see the new year in, nothing super cool and edgy, but good fun!

New year means a new start. I certainly have good intentions for 2017 but no concrete resolutions. My aim for the year is to just try my best.  I need to accept who I am and stop 'comparing and despairing'. Living with social anxiety and low mood means even small victories are massive achievements. I'm still working out what I want to do with my education/life but I've learnt that I need to take my time to get it right. Clichéd, however, do what makes you happy!

♡ The message: be kind to yourself. 

I hope everyone has the best 2017 that they can.

Happy New Year!

Love Emily

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